Location: Talas 🌎

Location: Talas, Kyrgyzstan Administration Region: Talas Population: 40308 ISO2 Code: Talas ISO3 Code: KGZ Location Type: First-level Admin Capital Latitude: 42.5167 Longitude: 72.2333
Talas is a town in northwestern Kyrgyzstan, located in the Talas river valley between two mountain ranges. Its area is 13 square kilometres (5.0 sq mi), and its resident population was 40,308 in 2021. It is the administrative headquarters of Talas Region. The town was founded by East Slavic settlers in 1877. To the south is the Besh-Tash (‘five rocks’) valley with the Besh-Tash National Park.The Historic Battle of Talas was also fought here between the armies of the Abbasid Caliphate and the Tang Dynasty in 751. The Abbasids defeated the Chinese Empire.
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