Location: Buchanan 🌎

Location: Buchanan, Liberia Administration Region: Grand Bassa Population: 34270 ISO2 Code: Grand Bassa ISO3 Code: LBR Location Type: First-level Admin Capital Latitude: 5.8808 Longitude: -10.0467
Buchanan (Bassa: Gbezohn), also previously known as Grand Bassa on some maps, is the third largest city in Liberia, lying on Waterhouse Bay, part of the Atlantic Ocean. As of the 2008 census, Buchanan had a population of 34,270. Of this, 16,984 were male and 17,286 female.Named for Thomas Buchanan, cousin of U.S. president James Buchanan, and second governor of Liberia, it is also the capital of Grand Bassa County and lies 70 miles (110 km) southeast of Monrovia, near the mouth of the Saint John River. The town was popular with refugees during the Liberian Civil War as it largely escaped the fighting. Fishing is an important industry in the town. The town also has isolated beaches and lagoons.
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