Location: Cotoca 🌎

Location: Cotoca, Bolivia Administration Region: Santa Cruz Population: 26305 ISO2 Code: Santa Cruz ISO3 Code: BOL Location Type: Latitude: Longitude:
Cotoca is a canton and Municipality of Andrés Ibáñez Province in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia. The municipality consists of two cantons – Cotoca itself and Puerto Pailas. In 2010 it had an estimated population of 23,951 for the canton and 56,451 for the municipality.In 1799, the Catholic Church authorised the building of a shrine to the Virgen de Cotoca, an image of Mary (mother of Jesus) that was seen in the town. The Virgin is now the patron saint of the entire province of Santa Cruz and her feast from 8 to 15 December draws thousands of Bolivians.The population increased tenfold in the last forty years:
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Acasio Achocalla Aiquile Alalay, Cotoca, Bolivia, Of Bolivia South America, Bolivia On World
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Bolivia, Cotoca