Location: Wete 🌎

Location: Wete, Tanzania Administration Region: Pemba North Population: 26450 ISO2 Code: Pemba North ISO3 Code: TZA Location Type: First-level Admin Capital Latitude: -5.0567 Longitude: 39.7281
Wete is a town located on the Tanzanian island of Pemba. It is the capital of Pemba North Region, as well as the administrative seat for Wete District. It lies on the west side of the north part of the island. The town has a 2013 estimated population of 29,606.To the southwest of Wete Harbour, about a kilometre away, is the small island of Matambwe, site of Swahili ruins of a medieval town called Mtambwe Kuu.The harbor at Wete was a major port-of-entry for Pemba; however, in recent years it has been mostly superseded by Mkoani.
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File:Tanzania Location Map.Svg Wikimedia Commons, Wete, Tanzania, Mwanza Tanzania, Tanzania Location
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